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Weight Trainer


NAMI Flagstaff has sponsored a wellness program designed to empower mental health through strength training and nutritional counseling to the severely mentally ill. The program began in 2012 with participants selected by their medical practitioner and continues today in cooperation with the City of Flagstaff at the Aquaplex. 

This unique program helps propel participants to be an active participant in their own health and life goals. Reduction in pharmaceutical and financial dependence is realized. Improvements in dementia, cognition, chronic fatigue, sleep, anxiety, depression, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, vascular function, self-esteem and overall mental health have been realized. 

As one participant explained “Sometimes, the mentally ill will need help in finding ... something to aim for. I think all of us in the program...have found an unbelievable amount of help in that regard. We will continue to need it. Perhaps my greatest surprise came when I felt a life-changing leap in my self-confidence. And with it all came a tremendous decrease in my depression and anxiety.  But far beyond all the weights and reps, it ended up strengthening every aspect of who I am.”

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